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Choosing the Perfect Leather Gift for A College Student - BlackBrook Case

Choosing the Perfect Leather Gift for A College Student

Among the Gen Z-ers who are currently in college, leather is making a comeback. It's edgy, it's versatile, and it lasts forever - what's not to love? A leather gift is an awesome option for the student in your life who cares about both style and sustainability! 

Because real leather lasts, it can often fall outside of the budget of your average 20-something. If you're looking to treat the young person in your life to a gift that will completely elevate their style, consider a new leather accessory. The only question is, which one should you pick?

There's a whole world of leather goods out there, and you can find many of them in Blackbrook's online store. This guide will help you figure out which of these fantastic, high-quality leather gifts is the right match for your college-age giftee! Read on for a few gift ideas that might inspire your next shopping spree! 

Leather Wallets

If your college student is living in the dorms, they probably have a lot of new things to keep track of. One of the most important will be their student ID. That little card can get them into campus buildings, pay for meals in the dining hall, help them sign out library books, and more. 

A leather case or wallet is a perfect gift for the student who tends to leave their ID on their night table. If your student's campus uses a tap system, a leather credit card wallet is ideal. Typically, the card reader will be able to detect the card right through the wallet so they won't even need to remove it!

Leather Bags

If your student's schedule includes a full day of classes, then they need to carry everything they need in one bag. When that load includes laptops, textbooks, binders, and more, the quality of that bag matters! A leather school bag is durable enough to handle whatever even the most rigorous student needs to carry! 

A trendy alternative to a backpack is a leather tote bag. The Winfry tote bag has enough room for everything from notebooks to lunch! It comes in two neutral shades that will match whatever they plan to wear to class! 

Leather Laptop Case

For many college-age students, a laptop is the most expensive purchase that they have made in their lives to date. Do you really want to trust any old laptop case with that kind of precious cargo? Remember that a student's laptop contains years of research, project, papers, and presentations, which can disappear after just one bad fall. 

A leather laptop case or sleeve is both sturdy and attractive. It will keep your student's computer safe if it gets banged up or takes a tumble. Why not help your student take care of their prized possessions?

The Perfect Leather Gift

College students can be clumsy, lazy, and forgetful. The perfect leather gift might be the thing that keeps them from getting locked out of the dorms, forgetting their homework, or breaking a beloved laptop! Best of all, leather gifts last a long time, so they are unlikely to outgrow your thoughtful present, even after they've collected their diploma!

Ready to get shopping? The Blackbrook online store contains affordable leather gifts for everyone you know. Browse the whole collection to find something for everyone on your list!

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